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Check out some interesting videos  about social media and its impact on our social networking.

Social Networking in Plain English

A short explanation of social networking websites and why they are popular.

Facts about the World of Social Media

Get ready to learn some shocking facts and figures in this great video infograph. 

A Day in the Life of Social Media

What can happen in a day? If you're talking about social media, the answer is...A LOT.

The World is Obsessed with Facebook

Are you addicted to Facebook? How long do you use Facebook everyday? Let's see how the world is obsessed with Facebook.

The Cyber Bullying Virus

This video is a serious example of the virus Cyber Bullying and it's disease like effects. It illustrates how fast the virus spreads and infects others and can ruin the lives of it's victims.

How to React to Negative Comments on Facebook

Mikal Belicove offers tips for actively dealing with unflattering comments on the social network.

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